Universal Jobmatch and giving Job Centre permission to view account.

❤️ Click here: Jobcentre plus universal jobmatch employer login

I'm new to this and am finding it very trying. Retrieved 5 November 2013.

I'm new to this and am finding it very trying. Click that and try again. There's no bcc field.

Universal Jobmatch Employers - And of course also other means of looking for employment. Note: This email was sent from a notification-only email address that cannot accept incoming email.

The other thing to bare in mind. If you give them access, sure they can see what you've applied for. Except most of their listings take you to other sites, where you have a separate login. I doubt very much whether Jobcentre Plus have data access agreements with every single job site and recrutement agent that advertises. So AFAIK at best, they can see you clicked a certain apply link on UJM. I think there is a six-month limit on contributions-based JSA. After six-months most people without lots of savings move onto income-based ie,means-tested JSA. Income-based JSA can be like a hit West End musical: it can run and run despite being a bit shit. At some point though, if you have no luck at getting a job, you will be sent on the Work Programme or whatever nonsense replaces it , where you will be offered 'help' of various sorts. Some 'help' may help. I'd suggest focusing on the travel expenses, the free tea or coffee or fruit and try to have a laugh with the other people. JSA continues during and after. The other thing to bare in mind. If you give them access, sure they can see what you've applied for. Except most of their listings take you to other sites, where you have a separate login. I doubt very much whether Jobcentre Plus have data access agreements with every single job site and recrutement agent that advertises. So AFAIK at best, they can see you clicked a certain apply link on UJM. Best not to kid on those, and if your adviser punts one to you on your home page, best jump through the hoops to apply for that. What you do have to do is maintain an account on it. They use your email address to check that you have an account registered, but just use a throwaway and log in occasionally, I think once every six months works. Are you accusing someone of defrauding the state? If you are be more specific, if not then what are you on about? My jobseekers agreement was to apply for three jobs a week - This was well over a year ago though, before that thirty hours of jobseeking activity came in, so it's probably out of date. True, but I've known people on the work programme who've been told by their WP advisor to blind cc every job application they make to their advisor. I dunno if that's even legal WRT data protection, but I know a few people it's happened to. That can't really work for a lot of applications though. You just fill in a form on the website, paste your cover letter in and attach CV. There's no bcc field. Shit as UJM is, I always found applying for jobs online relatively painless. Well the process anyway. Finding jobs and getting agents phoning you up with stuff unrelated to what you applied for and can't do anyway, another matter. Are you accusing someone of defrauding the state? If you are be more specific, if not then what are you on about? I was therefore calling into question the legality of a WP advisor demanding access to a claimants emails for the same reason - Data protection. Nothing to do with getting away with fraud or anything else. I've signed-on for JSA and registered for the Universal Jobmatch website. So far, all of the recommended jobs, or for that matter any of the jobs I've searched for, have been through agencies - nothing posted from direct employers. Does anyone know why this is the case? Also, I can tell from a lot of the job descriptions that these are jobs I've seen on other relevant job sites which I have been advertised direct by the employer - i. Are these Jobmatch agencies spurious, just leeching jobs from other websites and pretending they represent these employers in order to get you registered with them? It's vexing and I really don't want to register with agencies which are dodgy or who don't really represent the jobs they are advertising, especially if I can find these jobs myself to apply directly to. So, my main question is why the JC Jobmatch site doesn't allow employers to advertise vacancies direct - or do they? I'm new to this and am finding it very trying.

Universal Jobmatch – Posting a job
Not one of them could log on to the site to even remove the CV from Universal Job Searcha good half hour was spent on trying to log in. Â Please do not reply solo to this message. Allegations of insider dealing and corruption has been made because of this. Your password consists of a combination of these portions and in conjunction with your UserID can be used to log into the Government Gateway, or to the site where you requested the reset. He is running this site get your act together. JSA continues during and after. End of quote Hi Reginald Cartwright. Everytime try to login to account error occurred keeps coming up. It's vexing and I really don't want to register with agencies which are dodgy or who don't between represent the jobs they are advertising, especially if I can find these jobs myself to apply directly to.