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Fortunately, new sources of information on crime in an international perspective have become available. Anyone that disputes this is either ignoring or fudging the facts and the truth. Carson, secretary of state; Bailey Hardeman, secretary of treasury; Thomas J. Deal with stopping Arab terrorism, restoring quiet to the streets and catching the Jewish terrorists from Duma, fight raging poverty, change the natural gas draft and mainly, for once in your career, start seeing people as people.
For the most part, responding to allegations of sexual abuse in a diocese was left to the jurisdiction of the local bishop or archbishop. Pacifica radio is too valuable a resource to lose. Most reported incidents of sex abuse occurred between 1950 and 1989, however it was noted that there was on average a delay of 33 years between when a victim was abused to when it was reported, which skews the statistics towards older incidents of abuse.
Facilitated Discussion: Breaking the Silence on Hooking Up, October 24, 4:00 PM - Retrieved 3 July 2012. According to German law, the media is not allowed to publish the last names of suspects in serious crimes.
In December 2012, the Davis Human Relations Commission held a public event at the Davis Community Chambers. Born out of a number of contemporary events at that time, including the noose at the Davis High School football stadium, we launched what we thought would be a novel approach — a reverse panel discussion. There was a catch — rather than speak to the group, the job of the panel was to listen to the public and respond. What caught us off guard I think was that, first, over 200 people showed up, and, second, more than 60 of them spoke. So many showed up to speak that we actually extended the time period by an hour — so it became a three-hour event rather than a two-hour event. The other thing that caught, at least me, off guard were the communications from the public. As mentioned, we were just coming off the noose incident, we had long had complaints about racial profiling, and there was some of that, but the biggest issue by far were parents of school-aged children, many of the children of mixed race, who found Davis schools uncomfortable, and some of them even ended up leaving the school district. Some have suggested that racism has not been silent — but I strongly disagree. We hear the cry of racism in high profile incidents for sure, but there is an everyday experience that people of color have in our community. I have heard from many African-American UC Davis students that they do not feel comfortable going into the downtown because of how few African-Americans there are in the community and they feel like they are singled out or, at the very least, they stand out. We heard in 2012 from individuals who were indeed singled out in places of business. We heard from parents whose children felt they did not belong in the schools. We heard about incidents of bullying. These are stories of everyday experience that are not told. On February 28, from 1 to 3 pm at the Davis Community Chamber, I will be moderating the third annual Breaking the Silence of Racism Event. Things have changed since 2012. In a few weeks we will talk about a huge change that is about to occur. The 2012 event taught us one thing, though — we need to expect the unexpected. Nevertheless, national and local issues could push things back out into the forefront. The high profile cases involving the shooting of Michael Brown and Eric Garner by police could well push police-community relations back into a huge topic of discussion. On the Vanguard those national incidents led to vigorous debate over the role of race and racial profiling in terms of how police handle arrests and deal with resistance to those arrests. Key questions that arose, aside from whether the officers were in the wrong and should have been prosecuted, included the role that race played in those interactions. Earlier this week, a New York Grand Jury indicted the officer responsible for killing Akai Gurley, a 28-year-old unarmed black man, in the stairwell of an infamous Brooklyn housing project. This decision followed the controversial decision for a grand jury not to indicate Daniel Pantaleo to face the accusations in the death of Eric Garner, after he was filmed placing Mr. Garner in a chokehold. Now Peter Liang, who has spent less than 18 months on the force, has been charged with manslaughter and official misconduct in Mr. Nate Silver found that failure to indict is for grand juries. In 2010, the most recent year with available data, grand juries declined to indict only 11 cases out of 162,000 — or 0. Adding to the national issue that has been in discussion since last summer and was inflamed in late November with the failure to indict in two high profile cases, is now the issue of anti-Semiticism and Islamaphobia at UC Davis and in the community. We have the high profile case of the swastika on top of the ASUCD vote, that is seen by many to be anti-Israel. We also have the backlash against the vote that has played out nationally in right wing blogs such as Breitart. Given two high profile issues and the focus on the militarization of police as the result of the MRAP mine-resistant ambush protected vehicle debate locally, we can expect a potentially lively discussion in two weeks. I am a big believer that there is an air of silence to racism. We often do not hear the real stories by members of our community about everyday occurrences. We take for granted that things like these are a thing of the past, when they are not. We simply do not experience them as part of our everyday lives. What we hear, instead, are extraordinary incidents — Ferguson, Staten Island, ASUCD, the swastika at the Jewish Fraternity. However, to illustrate the point, until the swastika became publicized, a similar incident at the Hillel House had gone unreported. We need to bear witness to these acts of hatred in our community. NPR on Friday published the prepared text of the speech given by U. District Judge Carlton Reeves, one of just two African-Americans to have ever served as federal judges in Mississippi. He delivered it to three young white men as he sentenced them for the murder of a 48-year-old black man in a parking lot in Jackson, Mississippi. The impact this campaign of terror had on black families is impossible to explain so many years later. That number contrasts with the 1,401 prisoners who have been executed legally in the United States since 1976. In modern terms, that number represents more than those killed in Operation Iraqi Freedom and more than twice the number of American casualties in Operation Enduring Freedom — the Afghanistan conflict. Turning to home, this number also represents 1,700 more than who were killed on Sept. The last thing that each felt was the audacity and agony of hate, senseless hate: crippling, maiming them and finally taking away their lives. New generations have attempted to pull Mississippi from the abyss of moral depravity in which it once so proudly floundered in. Despite much progress and the efforts of the new generations, these three defendants are before me today: Deryl Paul Dedmon, Dylan Wade Butler and John Aaron Rice. They and their co-conspirators ripped off the scab of the healing scars of Mississippi … causing her our Mississippi to bleed again. While the legacy in Mississippi is more local, more brutal, more overt, it is a lesson and a legacy shared by the entire nation that out of expediency turned a blind eye to the atrocities for far too long. And it is that silence that we must now break, whether it is for a local incident in our midst or for a local incident far away that enters the national scene. Two years ago the most powerful stories that I heard were those small incidents of everyday life that people of color live with in our community. Those small incidents exemplify the indignity and inhumanity of racism and offer us a way forward to a better future. Join us in two weeks as we continue this discussion. Greenwald reporting David Greenwald is the founder, editor, and executive director of the Davis Vanguard. He founded the Vanguard in 2006. David Greenwald moved to Davis in 1996 to attend Graduate School at UC Davis in Political Science. He lives in South Davis with his wife Cecilia Escamilla Greenwald and three children. We often do not hear the real stories by members of our community about everyday occurrences. We take for granted that things like these are a thing of the past, when they are not. We simply do not experience them as part of our everyday lives. What we hear, instead, are extraordinary incidents — Ferguson, Staten Island, ASUCD, the swastika at the Jewish Fraternity. However, to illustrate the point, until the swastika became publicized, a similar incident at the Hillel House had gone unreported. We need to bear witness to these acts of hatred in our community. Then telling us what opinion or voice we should be listening to more of based on information or viewpoint he assumes we lack. The community group meeting described was a summation of opinions and analysis, not a transcript. Even with an attendance of 200 persons, and 60 spokespersons, we cannot conclude with any level of confidence that this very small sample of the much larger Davis community is typical or representative. Only advocates embrace this view and only if it supports their particular cause. My problem is not that others may have a different view point, it is that there seems to be a singular lack of curiosity about whether or not the view point expressed may have validity for members of our community whose life experiences may differ from our own. My educated guess is that if one comes from a predominantly minority community, then coming to a community that is 70 percent or whatever white might be a change. There is also a class economic change for many students. I wonder if a representative of the Chris Jones family will claim that he is the victim of racism at the hands of the Davis Police Department when they investigated him for driving a stolen motorcycle? In the trial the defense relied heavily on playing the race card. His recent trial was covered by the Vanguard. Take a mixed couple dining at a restaurant who receive poor service from a white waitress. The minority member of the couple believes that the waitress is racist and the white member of the couple sees the bad service that happens from time to time due to any number of factors having nothing to do with race. A minority is driving at night and is pulled over by a white police officer for speeding in a situation when the officer was unable to determine the drivers race until after the stop. That driver feels that he has been racially profiled by the officer because he was doing nothing wrong. Were either of these minorities victims of racism or did they just perceive it? Looking at society today there are many more mixed race marriages in my generation than in my parents and even more in those generations that are younger than I. Look at the schools today and the number of mixed race children. You may not be able to determine their racial makeup until you meet the parents and then take a closer look at them. I see this as a positive trend where more and more people are looking beyond ethnicity when selecting a partner. The challenge today is how do you identify racism instead of an unfounded perception based on the individuals biases and prejudices. When one person claims to be the victim of racism they are accusing another individual of being a racist or having racist tendencies. I wonder if one of the Davis Police Officers that Chris Jones accused of being racist would address the forum about what it feels like to be falsely accused of being a racist. How well received would this officer be at the forum? What is typically heard is the voice of the self perceived victim. The accused perpetrator will probably never know that they are being accused because they will not be called out on the spot but rather in delayed anecdote to others of similar mind as the alleged victim. Even if they were called out and were guilty as charged, do we anticipate that they would step up and admit to being a racist. So we really have no way of knowing the truth. How well received would this officer be at the forum? I think this is a critical question. As a participant at the December 2012 event, I was eager to hear the anecdotes of those who perceive the effects of racism in Davis as affecting them personally and the responses of the forum discussants. What would be of most value to me would be for individuals on both sides of this issue whom I will refer to as the racism observers and the racism deniers to participate in the same event and really listen to each others point of view rather than merely solidify their own positions repetitively. This has been hammered over and over for years, and New Jersey was a state where this claim of police profiling and racism were claimed as being rampant. Because black drivers received something like 20% or 22% of the tickets, but were only 8% or 10% of the population, liberals saw this as defacto proof of racism and racial profiling. So the New Jersey Attorney General studied this state, and their police, and set up high speed cameras and radar to see who was speeding. The Racial Profiling Myth Debunked The new numbers prove that there is no systematic police racism. The researchers then showed the photos to a team of three evaluators, who identified the race of the driver. The evaluators had no idea if the drivers in the photos had been speeding. The photos were then correlated with speeds. According to a new study, black drivers on the New Jersey Turnpike are twice as likely to speed as white drivers, and are even more dominant among drivers breaking 90 miles per hour. This finding demolishes the myth of racial profiling. Precisely for that reason, the Bush Justice Department tried to bury the report so the profiling juggernaut could continue its destructive campaign against law enforcement. What happens next will show whether the politics of racial victimization now trump all other national concerns. I find it interesting that Tia says we will never know the truth, which gives her something to talk about for another 30 years. Logic would also work against this systematic racism. This would thus require a huge conspiracy with the police and fire departments, and many others in the judicial system. I doubt that this is a concept that you would agree with, but your post does seem to imply that. Please correct me if I am wrong and clarify. Police profile all the time. It could be a pretext stop, it could be a car that looks like from out of the area. It could be a minor violation where the police are phishing. The Left simply chooses when they like to profile. They fall all over themselves when there is a mass murder, as we know it is often a middle aged white male. When police profile, they are not racially profiling, they are criminally profiling based on multiple factors … age, dress, behavior, location, actions, etc. They also consider relevant crime statistics and who is being sought. You have hit on the absolute issue here… the civil rights 2. Here it is explained another way. If there is subconscious bias, then it exists in all. And if it exists in all, it is disingenuous and wrong for one party to single out another party in criticism for having it. Victim Mentality as defined by Wikipedia as: is an acquired learned in which a person tends to regard him or herself as a victim of the negative actions of others, and to think, speak and act as if that were the case — even in the absence of clear evidence. It depends on habitual processes and. Victim Advocate Firewall is a Frankly term. A firewall establishes a barrier between a trusted, secure internal network and another network e. And those outside the firewall that attempt to access the internal network are considered hackers and rule-breakers. Within a firewall you can filter the data and messages that go out, and the data and messages that are allowed in. A Victim Advocate Firewall first requires the identification of the victim groups to advocate for. Blacks are certainly one of those groups. The key is to get your group and your advocates behind that protective firewall and then filter the data and messaging coming and going. White males are outside the firewall just because they exist. The exception is for white males that adopt a victim advocacy credential. White too are outside the firewall, but certain victim subgroups of whites are automatically included behind the firewall. The key is to be assigned to a victim group, or to earn your victim advocate credential. Once this is done you will have access to the network and will be protected for saying all sorts of crap about racism and bias. But here is one big problem… the firewall has holes in it. At some point the security is compromised. Those inside the network can develop a false sense of invincibility that they can say or do just about anything in the name of victims and victim advocacy. They can make giant mistakes in judgment that result in them being kicked outside of the firewall and unprotected from harsh criticism. We need to eliminate this Victim Advocacy Firewall for a couple of reasons. One, it prevents open dialog and togetherness for working on critical social problems. Two, it sets up people with a false sense of security that can destroy careers and lives from people saying hateful and stupid things. Go to Google Scholar or PubMed and you come with nothing — no series of studies, no big articles from sociological journal, psychological journals. There is essentially no empirical support for such a personality trait. On the other hand, there is significant support for racist attitudes and behavior in a variety of social situations from job interviews, auto sales, housing, medical decisions, and more. See Anwar, et el. As a society we and yes I said WE should, I believe, rely on evidence not superstition and pop constructions. They paired white males with either a woman or a Black individual and found that over 300 car sales, the dealerships quoted higher prices to Blacks and women. Each pair bargained at the same dealerships for the same cars over a few day period. They controlled for bargaining strategy, age of buyer, education and appearance. In the bargaining, white males were able to bargain down the most, white females next, then black females, and black males. The authors conclude: I n negotiations for more than 300 new cars, Chicago car dealers offered black and female testers significantly higher prices than the white males with whom they were paired, even though all testers used identical bargaining strategies. This race and gender discrimination is a robust result, and the magnitude of discrimination is large enough that it cannot credibly be attributed to residual nonuniformities between types of testers. And I can tell when people get backed into a corner where they get desperate to hold on to their views. Just dismiss the inconvenient fact! Here is an article that does a good job explaining the real psychology of victim mentality and victimhood. As with most Psychology Today articles there is some grain of truth and I think in this article, this sentence is it. When someone is identified, either by themselves or others as having been victimized, the key to their ongoing well being is resilience. But what evidence does he provide to back up your statements? Psychology Today continues to be a popular psychology magazine and no one should consider it to be a professional journal purveying empirical research. Show me the real data about real psychology. Or the literature on attributional errors and how can easily misconstrue their part in negative interactions and attribute problems to the environment vs. See if you can find victim mentioned in the literature of personality — the Big Five for instance, or commonly used personality inventories such as the NEO or the 16 PF. People with a strong external locus of control tend to praise or blame external factors such as the teacher or the test. And this posts confirms it. Individuals do not like to be told that you cannot recognize racism unless your are a member of the ethnic group suffering the alleged racism. Nor do individuals like to be labeled as racist because they are a member of one ethnic group. In this community how is the Hispanic experience different than the African American experience from the Asian experience from the white experience? Then we have all of the mixed children in our community. What is the different experience in school, music, sports and other activities that our children participate in? Do different ethnic groups receive different treatment in school, music and sports? There are all sorts of subtle slights that can be perceived where not is intended. Are certain individuals to sensitive to alleged racial slights or attribute all negative experiences to a racism? How do you get a consensus where to many people are unwilling to listen or admit that they could be wrong? Are certain individuals to sensitive to alleged racial slights or attribute all negative experiences to a racism? First point is that hypersensitive people often cannot effectively distinguish between true abuse and average human interactions that may considered harsh or difficult. The net effect of going too far protecting the hypersensitive is they become lonely people lacking coping skills and shunned by others over the risk of being criticized. This is the cul-de-sac problem with people having this victim mentality mindset… demand excessive speech codes to protect hypersensitive people from harm and cause a form of associative segregation due the growing incompatibility of communication. It is a cul-de-sac because there is no way to force people to associate with one another. Freedom of association is a constitutional right to be protected by the sword if necessary. One or two of the articles on the first page are about personality and victimhood. The rest have nothing to do with it — victims of crime, victims of suicide, etc. There is simply no area of concentrated research in social psychology about being a victim or victim personality. It may be there for a period of time a state rather than a trait but they are not long-lasting, lifelong personality characteristics such as optimism or neuroticism a bit of an archaic term. Being a victim of a crime, or of workplace bullying does not a personality trait make. Being a victim can just be a status — crime victim, for instance. A student with an external locus of control could not necessarily feel victimized but rather explain what happens to them as occurring by chance, or simply that in the case of a bad grade the test was constructed poorly. Or if they are in a fight, a person with an external locus of control would believe that the size of their attackers is what caused them to lose, and that it was out of their control. Victimhood, as far as I know, is not a psychological construct that is measured. There are no tests of victimhood. There are not personality scales that measure victimhood. I will lay out the facts and let the reader decide which of the participants in this event were demonstrating racist behavior, if any. About ten years ago, I was the senior physician on duty on our high risk labor and delivery unit in Sacramento. I was called to the room of a self avowed white supremacist and separatist. She was due for a blood draw to obtain information critical to my decision making regarding her care and that of and her in utero child. She was refusing the blood draw because the phlebotomist was African-American. She requested that I write an order and entry into her chart stating that no one other than Caucasians were to participate in her care or enter her room. I stated that while she had the right to refuse any care for any reason, I could not and would not make such an entry into her chart. However, because the information was necessary for her health, I requested that the white nurse who at that time had been assigned to her care do this one single blood draw. Unfortunately, this simple, everyday request was over heard by an African American nurse also working on the unit at the time. Instead of addressing her concern directly to me, this nurse chose to call the Sacramento Bee to report the racist behavior of the attending physician me on the Labor and Delivery unit. Who was exhibiting racially biased behavior? I welcome your comments. There was a similar report by a leader of a feminist group that worked to demand strict sexual conduct rules on college campuses that favored women, and then had a son who was accused by a female college student of some vague inappropriate actions… apparently out of retribution for being rejected by this young man… and the college expelled him. The road to hell is paved with good intentions. I welcome your comments. Years ago an African American co-worker was working with a white client who lived in another Southern state. The client knew that most of the people at our firm were white and asked our CEO for a white person to manage his account. A physician has a different spectrum of responsibilities than an account manager, as in your example. TW was right because a She was not the source of the racism, but merely using good judgement in the moment to counter the racist source, and b It was a critical medical matter. You also asked for comments. That I can do. Have no idea if the reaction was racist or not. I cannot criticize you, nor can I give you absolution. You asked for comments, and these are mine. Take them, or leave them, as you will. I have a few more thoughts in response to hpierce. I seek neither judgement of others or myself. I offered this only as an example of a real life, as opposed to a hypothetical situation as a basis for discussion. No more, no less. However, you do make a couple of comments that I feel deserve response because they are examples of how complicated situations frequently develop. First, I agree that had she known about the event, the phlebotomist would have been the only one who had an actual grievance. However, ironically enough, she was the only one who did not know that anything pertaining to her had happened. This was because all the patient had said to her was that she would not have her blood drawn until she had spoken to the doctor. She did not say why with the phlebotomist present as was confirmed by the initial nurse. Secondly, I did not know at the time that second nurse had called the Bee. I only found out after the fact when I was called by PR advising me not to speak with anyone from the Bee about this situation should I be contacted since the whole thing was being handled by PR. This brings me to the point that I made previously about how we can never be certain of the experience of another in any particular situation. I had no way of knowing initially that the phlebotomist had not been rejected to her face because of her race. Would it not also be possible that this could have happened, but I could have made the assumption that no racial slur had been made because I had not witnessed it directly. We are not living the lives of others and I do not believe that it is valid to assume that everyone is experiencing life in the same way as we do and will see the world from our perspective. I believe that this is another example of a condition that it is very easy to detect in others, and very hard to see in ourselves. I am going to pick on Frankly because he frequently uses this phrase, because he can take it, and because I happen to like him. Now, I do not adhere to this school of thinking at all. While Christianity has had a large role in our society, it is not the official religion. Confrontations, lawsuits, yakking, you name it. And no Christmas trees in public places. So are Christmas Trees verboten, but skulls and candles OK? But as in my example above about the Myth of Driving While Black, many want to see proof that there is some kind of widespread racism occurring. Confrontations, lawsuits, yakking, you name it. And no Christmas trees in public places. You would have to look far and wide to find someone who is, or self identifies, as further to the left than I. And yet, I celebrate Christmas. I also respect the celebrations of the Jewish faith, the Day of the Dead, and all the peaceful and joyous celebrations of all religions. We each respected the choices of the others and adjusted our eating times so as to accommodate the needs of all family members. I fail to see why such acceptance of the beliefs and rituals of others cannot be practiced throughout our entire society. I personally do not understand why all religious observations, including Satanists, if they so choose, cannot be respected as part of our public life. And yet, I celebrate Christmas. That is certainly no surprise to me — years ago my children were victims of vicious bullying one of them beaten and property destroyed; one of them had a stick poked between her upper legs. I am not the least bit surprised bullying in the Davis schools is alive and well. And it may or may not have anything to do with children of mixed race — race would be only one facet of the bullying. The school administration has still not dealt with this underlying problem endemic to our local schools. Instead the DJUSD is concentrating on start times, as if that is so much more important than the thuggery that is the dark underbelly of our local educational system. It is clear that bigotry is far broader at UCD, and includes religions, including Christianity and Judaism. Furthermore, if you know anything about what goes on at the UCD campus, the bigotry includes political persuasion as well — there is little tolerance for conservative students. And from where I sit, the administration gives mere lip-service to the Principles of Community. The prof has said when he engages students in conversation, they know very little, they spout the Jon Stewart one liners. He recommends new sources of information for them to consider. If I was a liar, I could have manufactured a fact or opinion to suit te argument. If I recall correctly, DP is also fond of asking leading questions which assume prejudice or ill intent. It was not a single conversation, it has come up a number of times. The first time we attended a campus event and a student in line said something quite definitive and harsh. I thought this was unusual, but my friend told me it was status quo. The Left simply chooses when they like to profile. It is not the age of the research that bothers me. It is your apparent attempt to claim that its validity, or at least your belief, that it is relevant to events and claims here in Davis. He recommends new sources of information for them to consider. I suspect that at least the younger students of both political stripes tend to engage on a fairly superficial level simply because they have not yet had the time and experience to broaden their world view beyond sound bites. Their current job is to read, study, engage in conversation and try out their views. I am glad to hear that this professor is attempting to steer them to deeper sources and only hope that he is doing so in a balanced basis including academic sources from both the right and the left in order to provide a balanced view from which they will be free to draw their own conclusions. In medicine, psychology and academics in general, it is common when a generalizing statement is made to ask for the source of information. This is part of our daily professional lives. When making recommendations to the doctors in our department it is very common for us to challenge each other, sometimes quite assertively, not because we think the other person is lying, but because it is very important for us to act on the best possible evidence. My belief is that all bullying should be addressed. The bullying issue at school came up the most at an event to explore racism in Davis by the HRC. Are you trying to push the bullying issue at schools under the rug, as it has been for years? Racism is a form of bullying — and bullying in our schools is the larger issue that needs to be addressed — now. Children are our future — they need to be taught from an early age what is acceptable behavior. Tolerating bullying breeds racism later on. One example is when my daughter was being bullied by another girl both girls were 3rd graders at the time who cornered her in the restroom and would not let her leave. At least at the elementary-school level where these issues originate students have zero ability to work things out for themselves. They have to report it to an adult. It will help to call out the bullies and modify their behavior, but it will also help the more timid kids learn to be assertive. The normal practice at DJUSD is to discipline both students without getting into details of how a fight started. My son was literally backed into a corner in a classroom one day by a bully and her sidekick, who had been verbally harassing my son the entire day. The idea was to harass my son so much he would strike back, and that would get him into trouble but the bully would get off scot free. My son complained about the harassment to the teacher several times to no avail, which is what he was told by the administration to do when bullied by this girl and her cohorts. Finally pushed too far, my son felt so threatened and worn down when backed into the corner of the classroom at the end of an horrendously long day of verbal abuse, he came out fists wailing, and beat up the girl bully she led a gang in West Davis at the time in front of the teacher and students. Both my son and the girl were suspended from school. Yet the Vice Principal conceded my son was forced into what he had done, but nevertheless insisted both the girl and my son must be disciplined equally. It should be noted the girl was living with this Vice Principal at the time, so obviously she was hardly objective on the subject. When the girl gang leader that bullied my son returned to school, she was caught with a knife on her person the first day of her return. This gang leader was infuriated that my son had given her a taste of her own medicine. So this vengeful girl bided her time, and had my son beaten up by one of her gang members on the day of his high school graduation. The police got involved, and the girl gang leader and her cohort ended up in jail — for beating up a drunken college student a few nights before who had to be hospitalized and my son who managed to escape after he was clocked on the side of his head. My son was quiet and minded his own business, not bothering anyone. But for some reason the gang leader decided he was an easy mark to bully, but found out to her cost that a person can be pushed too far, and the abuser may get more than bargained for. She had befriended the daughter of a foreign student who spoke little English the previous year. The next year this girl had popular friends who parents wanted them to be models yes fashion models. Those girls liked one boy band. My daughter liked another. They harassed her all year pulling nasty tricks on her. The last day of school they made the mistake of saying in a note what they had said verbally all year. So they got off with no punishment when my daughter had been telling teachers all year about their behavior. The foreign student was black. My daughter has multiple invisible disabilities…. Or was it a small time, small town gang? The teacher gave my son an F for not completing the project because he shoved the kid who destroyed it. My son is very happily out of Davis High, never looks back, and I seriously doubt if he will ever attend a high school reunion or donate money to Davis High. On the other hand, our family has already donated small amounts to the Photography Dept. And I can guarantee you, if we ever had extra money, we would make a donation to DaVinci. I may be wrong on the time line and actual statements since I do not participate in Facebook, so if someone has access to the original post, please correct me. I believe that Ms. This is a position that I also hold, and therefore do not see it as anti semitic, or anti anything except theocracy. Given that I do not know Ms. Fayyaz personally, I cannot attest to her original intent. However, I do not see that progressively changing and adding paraphrases to her comments in order to support our own positions does anything to shed light on the issues raised. The demographics are inexorable. She did praise Sharia Law and Hamas. Apparently you are not yet at the point where you will put that term on the list of speech code violations even as it is the single common phrase used by Islamic extremists as they are setting off suicide vests, flying jets into buildings and cutting off the heads of Coptic Christians. What do you two think about Students for Justice in Palestine. Are they a hate group? See links at the bottom of this blog. Do I really need to list all of the words that you would agree should be eliminated from speech even though they have different meanings? And these are words that might only hurt someone feelings, not be a precursor to a person having their head chopped off. Again, your bias is showing through very well here. You are showing your bias. And earlier, you showed your ignorance about the phrase. Tens, probably hundreds, of millions of Muslims use that phrase daily. There are dozens, hundreds, thousands of reasons why human beings act and make decisions in life and in business. For example, if Davis and DJUSD are so racist, that means there are a lot of racist Democrats in town, because this is a largely Progressive city. Same for DJUSD, which must also employ a lot of racist white female teachers. Would they really ignore or mistreat a customer or potential customer, especially since most small business fail? That one person would let their community know, and they would lose a whole lot of business. Would they really ignore or mistreat a customer or potential customer, especially since most small business fail? I think racism exists, historical racism exists, human foibles exist, people act stupidly not racist , errors are made, life is tough, but many are tired of the Crying Wolf syndrome. Our President is multiracial but identifies as Black. Many conservatives will argue that government programs and leaders have done more harm than good for the black community, and that their policies have helped to destroy the Black family. Are you living in the past? Sounds like lberal guilt or politics run amok in New York. Then we all took turns getting on her, getting on top of her. Perhaps we should also think about breaking the silence about poverty in Davis once in awhile? Dear City Council Members My wifei and I were disturbed to read in the Davis Enterprise recently that the lease for the Old Mill Stream Laundromat is being terminated as of January 6, 2013 to make way for an expansion of the site of the former Right and Relevant Thrift Store to suit Goodwill, another thrift store tenant within Davis. This action will have a serious and negative impact on the low-income community surrounding the Manor Mall complex in East Davis. The reasons are as follows: The Old Mill Stream Laundromat in the Manor Mall has provided essential laundering service to East Davis families for over 40 years. My wife and I have used the Laundromat on occasion over the years to wash and dry large items such as comforters, blankets, and sleeping bags. Whenever we used the facility, we found it very busy, with many hard-working mothers washing loads and loads of family laundry while also tending to their young children. Many of these mothers also haul their laundry to and from the Laundromat in carts because they live within the many apartment buildings located nearby along East Eighth Street, and lack access to an automobile. Within the Laundromat, we always found the atmosphere busy, purposeful, and friendly. As such, this vital, family-owned small business should be cherished as an asset within Davis, and should not be extinguished as a liability. In general, laundromats are scarce within a community in large part because they are equipment and maintenance intensive, and primarily serve a low-income clientele. They are, however, a critically needed resource because they provide users with the means to clean clothing and other household items. From our perspective, it appears to be unwise to close the family owned Old Mill Stream Laundromat to make way for yet another thrift store within Davis. There are other thrift store options within Davis SPCA, Right and Relevant, etc to meet this general community need. Thank you for your attention in this matter. All that support for something that does not yet exist but nothing for an important service business with a long standing in the community. More effort should be spent on keeping essential services and supporting existing businesses. I understand that Not Much Goodwill is fully satisfied with their new, expanded site within the Mall. Too bad the residents living within the rows of overcrowded apartment buildings opposite the Mall lining the N side of E 8th St will have difficulty laundering clothing in a convenient manner from now on. While I may or may not have the power to destroy a business I believe I may as I have delusions of megalomania , I can take some warmth in knowing I have cost many businesses of bad will pun intended a few hundreds or thousands of dollars. Recently I took my black daughter in law shopping downtown. Walking down the sidewalk, I saw two Davis police standing, talking, no clue why they were there. I moved to the other side putting myself between Naomi and the police. Neither one of us said anything. Now I wonder what it must be like to have that experience as a matter of course. What is like when there is no white person between you and cops? He did report his concerns to UCD campus police, and the city. He never heard back. He graduated, moved to Sac, and has a very high paying job in the I. During the discussions about making space in Davis for Schilling Robotics, I mentioned our seeming ability to consider aiding those who already doing well while doing nothing for those that are making a positive contribution but who could use help. I was roundly disparaged for my position that perhaps it is the economically less well positioned that are most in need of assistance which we only seem willing to provide to those who have no need for it. But that is off topic and discussion for another day. Third, when the officer confirmed that he lived there, he immediately left. Every blue moon the police ask me a question or two, I try not to take it personally. They usually have a good reason or a hunch. I was told the police were given an extremely vague description of the suspect. However, the incident was poorly handled — he was abrupt, he never really explained the issue to the man involved, and therefore the individual felt violated. I spoke to a number of people close to him including his daughter, but never the man himself. The officer involved was a veteran, should have known to handle the situation with better interpersonal communication and has since left the department and retired. The biggest question that is unanswered from what I understand is what precisely was he doing when the officer approached him. However, the guy was mowing his lawn on his own property, he was an older black man, and at least on the surface there seemed to be if nothing else and utter lack of commonsense by this officer. I passed two officers in two patrol cars, and drove to the top of the parking garage. I reached the top floor. Nothing out of the ordinary happened. I pulled out my cell phone, and as I looked up, there was the officer giving me the up and down, he rolled down his window and asked me what I was doing there. I answered his questions politely and logically, and he went on his way. Davis reacted the same way the first time he was pulled over on a pretext stop. Maybe even the first ten times. At some point, when you get stopped over and over again, you start to be less accepting of the inconvenience. However, that is about to change — more on that in two weeks. Common Grounds in South Davis went thru a similar problem, but somehow because of community backlash, something was worked out and space was found for Common Grounds, which is now flourishing. There should have been some attempt to accommodate that particular laundromat IMHO. And also reminds me of the difficulties encountered by the owners of Konditorei when they were attempting to move from a rental space to their own building. I believe that in an affluent community we should be able to help not only the most affluent or those most like us and those who are more humble in means and or mission. The circumstances are still troubling. An Alabama police officer was arrested on an assault charge Thursday and could be fired for last week, leaving the grandfather partially paralyzed. Madison Police Chief Larry Muncey said Officer Eric Parker was not justified when he stopped and then threw 57-year-old Sureshbhai Patel — who had traveled to Madison to visit his son only a week before the incident and speaks no English — on Feb. The caller also said that he was following Patel from a distance, and that he was afraid to leave for work and leave his wife alone at home. The two dashcam videos show Parker and his trainee, Andrew Slaughter, approaching Patel, and they quickly learn that he does not speak English. A third officer was sent to the scene in a different car, which captured the video of the alleged assault. But is there any evidence that this act was racist? Unfortunately the language barrier likely confused the situation, and the police were, let us say, somewhat overzealous in their actions. The caller also said that he was following Patel from a distance, and that he was afraid to leave for work and leave his wife alone at home. Why was Patel viewed as a threat to his wife and home? My wife is from a foreign country. Her father my in-law has never visited this country and one issue there are several on his part is concern over stories of violence and racism in the U. I assure you that this story is playing bigger in many foreign media markets — especially in India — than it is domestically. Well of course it is de minimus for Frankly. He is a part of the dominant race and culture in our town and our country. Most of us here can say quite frankly that racism does not affect us much. I can easily say this as a senior Caucasian woman. That is not the question. The question is what would my experience be as a black woman? What would it be as a black teenaged male? What would it be as the only black elementary student on the playground? Larger than it is for us? Larger than it is for the people who live in high crime areas that also happen to be primarily one race in composition? Larger than it is for those who may have been stopped once by police officers for no good reason, or for those who have this happen to them repetitively for no reason other than the color of their skin and the neighbohood in which they happen to have been born? This is exactly what I meant when I stated that I do not believe that dismissing the experiences of others is helpful. My statements are based mainly on personal observations, including those of children up to high school age, before they are indoctrinated by the establishment to become aware of racial differences, to identify by race, to be taught that race is important, etc. One of the main difficulties, as brought up by others on this forum, is how do we separate perception from reality—if a stranger treats us rudely for no apparent reason, how can we can see inside the persons head and understand what is motivating that behavior? With regard to the mowing while black incident, consider a situation where the police are chasing a suspect in a crime who is reported to be 7 ft 2 inches tall. As they are searching the neighborhood thru which he has reported to have fled, they spot a 7 ft 2 inch person out in the yard. Are they height-ist for for approaching and talking with this tall man? Perhaps they are just going with the odds that there are very few people this tall in the neighborhood, and in fact the cops are not height-ist at all. The circumstances are still troubling. An Alabama police officer was arrested on an assault charge Thursday and could be fired for last week, leaving the grandfather partially paralyzed. Madison Police Chief Larry Muncey said Officer Eric Parker was not justified when he stopped and then threw 57-year-old Sureshbhai Patel — who had traveled to Madison to visit his son only a week before the incident and speaks no English — on Feb. The caller also said that he was following Patel from a distance, and that he was afraid to leave for work and leave his wife alone at home. The two dashcam videos show Parker and his trainee, Andrew Slaughter, approaching Patel, and they quickly learn that he does not speak English. A third officer was sent to the scene in a different car, which captured the video of the alleged assault. There are related rules, patterns, and hypocrisy, but they go back to this basic assumption. For example, Hillary Clinton can affect a southern drawl or black accent when speaking to a predominantly black crowd, and she gets a pass; she can cackle about a child rapist she defended, and she gets a pass. But Mitt Romney as a child gave a classmate a prank haircut, and he is raked through the coals for a week by the national media as proof of his prejudice. On top of this, she knew he was guilty, and she knew she was on the record taped! Is she that cold, insensitive, or just amazingly arrogant? Does it really matter how old the tape is? Listeners can find it on youtube or elsewhere and judge for themselves. Fayyez is one example of many. Does every bad encounter between police and ethnic minorities always involve racism? Should we assume everyone has a racial bias before they even open their mouths? When the BDS vote was taken, it did not necessarily indicate all those who voted for it were racists. When you select that choice, there are 1. Fayyez is one example of many. I see her animosity to the Jewish state. And I see her preference for the Muslim religion over that of the Jews. What I have not seen attributed to her are racist comments. The recent terrorists acts in Europe are just a small taste of what Israel would suffer. So we are back to a two-state solution. Which has been offered and brokered several times… and each time rejected by the Palestinians. Because what Palestinians want is to destabilize and destroy Israel as it exists and overrun it to turn it into an Islamic state. Anyone that disputes this is either ignoring or fudging the facts and the truth. That is one of the primary obstacles to continuation of the peace process. The other primary obstacle is Netanyahu and his supporters. An Israel led by any party even slightly to the left of Likud will probably be able to negotiate a deal with Fatah, and then perhaps be able with help from the US provide the resources to help make it stick. There are many moving parts. Because what Palestinians want is to destabilize and destroy Israel as it exists and overrun it to turn it into an Islamic state. Anyone that disputes this is either ignoring or fudging the facts and the truth. Palestinians are not monolithic in their opinions. What you describe is not even a majority opinion among Palestinians, as measured in various opinion polls. The US needs to keep nudging the parties to negotiations about a two-state solution. We provide both sides with considerable amounts of money and, in the case of Israel, weapons. We have some leverage with some of the parties. I am not ignoring anything, not fudging anything. The points outlined in this Wikipedia article will likely form the basis for any subsequent deal. As you can see, there are lots of haggling points. And the level of American involvement as to things like an international security force are probably no longer operative, given American public opinion about further military involvement in the Mideast. We have the Jews on one hand favoring the establishment and maintenance of a Jewish theocracy and the Palestinians wanting the establishment and maintenance of an Islamic state. Looks very similar in motive to me. Israel was created and established on disputed land. Palestinians were displaced in order to make space for a Jewish state. From a Palestinian point of view, Israel has already accomplished the destruction of their personal homeland. It also amazes me that there is in the above comment the implication that all countries that have Muslim majorities are the same and therefore interchangeable. Would you be happy about having to relocate to Canada since it is a primarily Christian nation because someone wanted to establish a Catholic theocracy here in California. The representatives of the Palestinian Arabs and the Arab League firmly opposed the UN action and rejected its authority in the matter, arguing that the partition plan was unfair to the Arabs because of population balance at that time. Since 2006, The Vanguard has provided Davis and Yolo County with some of the best groundbreaking news coverage on local government and policy issues affecting our city, our schools, the county, and the Sacramento Region.
How to speak so that people want to listen
Retrieved 15 September 2010. Retrieved 23 May 2010. Join us in two weeks as we continue this discussion. Retrieved 15 December 2017. Retrieved 10 March 2008. Their current job is to difference, study, engage in conversation and try out their views. Obe, earlier this year. Most of all, she wanted to make sure that what happened to her could never happen to anyone else at Pacifica.
I'm new to this and am finding it very trying. Retrieved 5 November 2013.
I'm new to this and am finding it very trying. Click that and try again. There's no bcc field.
Universal Jobmatch Employers - And of course also other means of looking for employment. Note: This email was sent from a notification-only email address that cannot accept incoming email.
The other thing to bare in mind. If you give them access, sure they can see what you've applied for. Except most of their listings take you to other sites, where you have a separate login. I doubt very much whether Jobcentre Plus have data access agreements with every single job site and recrutement agent that advertises. So AFAIK at best, they can see you clicked a certain apply link on UJM. I think there is a six-month limit on contributions-based JSA. After six-months most people without lots of savings move onto income-based ie,means-tested JSA. Income-based JSA can be like a hit West End musical: it can run and run despite being a bit shit. At some point though, if you have no luck at getting a job, you will be sent on the Work Programme or whatever nonsense replaces it , where you will be offered 'help' of various sorts. Some 'help' may help. I'd suggest focusing on the travel expenses, the free tea or coffee or fruit and try to have a laugh with the other people. JSA continues during and after. The other thing to bare in mind. If you give them access, sure they can see what you've applied for. Except most of their listings take you to other sites, where you have a separate login. I doubt very much whether Jobcentre Plus have data access agreements with every single job site and recrutement agent that advertises. So AFAIK at best, they can see you clicked a certain apply link on UJM. Best not to kid on those, and if your adviser punts one to you on your home page, best jump through the hoops to apply for that. What you do have to do is maintain an account on it. They use your email address to check that you have an account registered, but just use a throwaway and log in occasionally, I think once every six months works. Are you accusing someone of defrauding the state? If you are be more specific, if not then what are you on about? My jobseekers agreement was to apply for three jobs a week - This was well over a year ago though, before that thirty hours of jobseeking activity came in, so it's probably out of date. True, but I've known people on the work programme who've been told by their WP advisor to blind cc every job application they make to their advisor. I dunno if that's even legal WRT data protection, but I know a few people it's happened to. That can't really work for a lot of applications though. You just fill in a form on the website, paste your cover letter in and attach CV. There's no bcc field. Shit as UJM is, I always found applying for jobs online relatively painless. Well the process anyway. Finding jobs and getting agents phoning you up with stuff unrelated to what you applied for and can't do anyway, another matter. Are you accusing someone of defrauding the state? If you are be more specific, if not then what are you on about? I was therefore calling into question the legality of a WP advisor demanding access to a claimants emails for the same reason - Data protection. Nothing to do with getting away with fraud or anything else. I've signed-on for JSA and registered for the Universal Jobmatch website. So far, all of the recommended jobs, or for that matter any of the jobs I've searched for, have been through agencies - nothing posted from direct employers. Does anyone know why this is the case? Also, I can tell from a lot of the job descriptions that these are jobs I've seen on other relevant job sites which I have been advertised direct by the employer - i. Are these Jobmatch agencies spurious, just leeching jobs from other websites and pretending they represent these employers in order to get you registered with them? It's vexing and I really don't want to register with agencies which are dodgy or who don't really represent the jobs they are advertising, especially if I can find these jobs myself to apply directly to. So, my main question is why the JC Jobmatch site doesn't allow employers to advertise vacancies direct - or do they? I'm new to this and am finding it very trying.
Universal Jobmatch – Posting a job
Not one of them could log on to the site to even remove the CV from Universal Job Searcha good half hour was spent on trying to log in. Â Please do not reply solo to this message. Allegations of insider dealing and corruption has been made because of this. Your password consists of a combination of these portions and in conjunction with your UserID can be used to log into the Government Gateway, or to the site where you requested the reset. He is running this site get your act together. JSA continues during and after. End of quote Hi Reginald Cartwright. Everytime try to login to account error occurred keeps coming up. It's vexing and I really don't want to register with agencies which are dodgy or who don't between represent the jobs they are advertising, especially if I can find these jobs myself to apply directly to.
Phasellus lacinia porta ante, a mollis risus et. ac varius odio. Nunc at est massa. Integer nis gravida libero dui, eget cursus erat iaculis ut. Proin a nisi bibendum, bibendum purus id, ultrices nisi.